JDZ(J)-3Q,JDZ(J)- 6Q电压互感
价格: | |
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所在地: | 浙江乐清市 |
产品规格: | JDZ(J)-3Q |
包装说明: | JDZ(J)-3Q |
品牌: |
JDZ(J)-3Q,JDZ(J)- 6Q,JDZ(J)-10Q电压互感器,油浸式互感器,电流互感器
概述和型号含义 Description and Meaning ofModel
·JDZ(J)-3Q,JDZ(J)- 6Q,JDZ(J)-10Q电压互感器是户内环氧树脂浇注半封闭式产品,适用于额定频率50Hz额定电压10kV及以下的电力系统中作电压、电能测量及继电保护用。
.rhistransformer is indoor type,it is semi-closed structure with epoxy resin casted. It is designed for use of measurement ofvoltage ,electronic
energy and relay protection in the power system with rated frequency 50Hzandrated voltage 1OkV or bel口w.
结构特点 Characteristic of structure:
Single phase
Voltage transformer
JDZ(J)-3Q,JDZ(J)- 6Q,JDZ(J)-10Q电压互感器JDZ(J)-3、6、10Q型互感器为环氧树脂半浇注封闭的全绝缘产品。铁芯采用优质冷轧硅钢片叠装而成。互感器绝缘由环氧树脂组成, 体积小、重量轻.安装仅占有限空间。所有绕组完全浇注在环氧树脂中,具有优良的绝缘性能.耐冲击和机械压力.并可以保护绕线组不受潮。一次绕组引出线端子的标志为 A、B; 二次绕组引出线端子的标志为a、b,均在浇注体上清晰注成。在夹件上的接地标志旁有接地螺栓供接地用.下部支架供安装用。整体结构紧凑,使用方便。 JDZ (1)-3、6、10Q型电压互感器的连接组标号为 1/1/1-12-12 ,三台 单相电压互感器连接组为 YO/YO/12-11 (剩余电压统组接成开口三角形)。
.mz( η-3,6,1OQ type voltage transformer is epoxy resin casted for semi-closed structure. The core adopts high grade steel piece. With smal1 size, light weight,smal1 space for instal1ation,All windings are completely casted in the epoxy resin,anti-impulse and resist mechanism pressure. Keep windings without moisture. The d口wn-lead terminal re皿ark ofthe primary windings isA,B; the d口wn-lead terminal remark ofthe secondary windings is a,b; these remarks are clearly casted the surface ofthe product. Beside the remark ,the earthing bolts is used for earthing. Compact structure,convenient foruse,the connection tab ofthe JDZ(J)-3 ,6,10Q type voltage transformeris 1/111/-12-12 ,the co皿ection couple tab of
也.ree single voltage transformer isYOIY0/12-11 (residual voltage windings is connected into the placket angle ).
JDZ(J)-3Q,JDZ(J)- 6Q,JDZ(J)-10Q电压互感器技术参数 Technical data
·产晶标准: GBI207-2006;
·负荷功率因数: COS Φ=O.8 (滞后) :
主营:电流互感器,电压互感器,零序电流互感器,油浸式互感器, 电力计量箱, 复合绝缘(硅橡胶)户外干式互感器,放电线圈及供机构操作电源用电压互感器,干式放电线圈
JDZ(J)-3Q,JDZ(J)- 6Q,JDZ(J)-10Q电压互感器